Welcome to I MATTER Thursday, everyone! This will be Post#23 in this series, and I have so enjoyed reading your feed back. I am currently in the middle of teaching summer school speech to high school students.
The importance of positive self-talk always surfaces during a speech class...so many lack self confidence in the beginning. But, this made me think about how important positive messages in our head are for women.
When I went through my makeover right at ten years ago, I had to actually train myself to react positively when I looked in the mirror. Before that, I always focused on the negative first...
I'm so fat!
My hair is turning gray!
My mouth is wrinkled!
There is a vein coming out of my nose! (seriously, there is!)
I look bloated!
So, how did I stop? Again, training the thoughts inside my head. And I had to stop listening to people in my life who criticized me and were negative. So, before I allow myself to think negatively, I immediately focus on something I like...
My eyes look really green today!
My neck is not sagging!
My hair looks healthy!
I think I lost five pounds!
My arms are looking toned!
It is possible to STOP yourself and change the messages; then over time, it becomes easier. When I carry the I MATTER sign, I am saying inside that I do matter and I have worth, value, purpose, and beauty (no matter my size, age, etc.) NO MESSAGE inside or outside of myself can take that away!
Love the critical people in your life, and understand that their criticisms are about them and not you. It is time for you to stop giving their negativity a platform in your life. You can do this...I did.
I hope all of you still struggling with negative self-talk, will begin today to turn those messages into positive ones. YOU ARE WORTH IT...YOU MATTER! Tell me one thing that is awesome about your appearance today! Then go visit the fabulous bloggers of Katie's Favorite Things Blog Hop!!
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